Nursery Temporarily Closed

The OAEC Mother Garden Nursery is closed for the 2025 season. As OAEC marks our 30th Anniversary, the Mother Garden celebrates its 50th! The garden and nursery are in a transitional, celebratory year with some big changes afoot. The nursery is taking the 2025 season off to celebrate our achievements, make structural improvements, and re-imagine our vision for the program moving […]

The climate is changing and so is the OAEC Nursery

The OAEC non-profit nursery is the outward face of our 45-year-old esteemed Mother Garden and represents an outreach into the community from the experience, work and wisdom we’ve gained by working the land in the same place since 1974. The climate is changing and so is the OAEC Nursery! When we produced our first Plant […]

How is OAEC dealing with the drought?

The old saying “Don’t miss the water ‘till the well runs dry” couldn’t be more apt in this year’s unprecedented drought. Wells and reservoirs are drying up around the county, the CA State Water Resources Control Board is implementing restrictions throughout the Russian River watershed, and neighboring small farms have been forced to cancel their […]

Compost Revolution in the Mother Garden

As the number of guests in our retreat program has increased in recent years, so has the volume of food scraps that our kitchen produces. For decades, our chickens, goats, garden hot heap compost piles, and vermiculture (worm) bins were sufficient for processing our kitchen compost, but as we’ve ramped up our integrated food system, […]