Former School Garden Program Director to Teach 2016 Teacher Trainings

We’re thrilled to announce that OAEC’s former School Gardens Program Director Tina Poles will be leading our two flagship School Garden Teacher Trainings this year.

Tina Poles[2]Tina has been working in the school garden movement since 1984. As the Director of the School Garden Program at OAEC (now called the Resilient Schools Program), she was able to visit hundreds of school gardens around the state, seeing best practices in a wide range of schools. She wrote the curriculum A Handful of Seeds: Seed-Saving and Seed Study for Educators and was part of the team that wrote A Child’s Garden of Standards: Linking School to California Education Standards (California Department of Education, 2002). Since 2007, Tina has taught lower school science and environmental science at Sonoma Country Day School in Santa Rosa, CA. She is their Director of Sustainability and is on the faculty advisory committee, which works on long-term systemic change in school culture and practices.

Join us June 20-24 or July 11-15 for a School Garden Teacher Training > 


Other 2016 OAEC Courses:

  • Living Learnscape Design, June 27-July 1: The Living Learnscape approach to schools considers all physical elements of a school campus to be educational opportunities. Participants will integrate food, water, energy and waste system infrastructure as a springboard for standards-based curricular connections.
  • Permaculture Design Certifications: Spring (March 19-April 1), Summer (July 16-July 29) and Fall (Sept. 24-Oct. 7). Immerse yourself in information, ideas and inspiration on how to design sustainable, regenerative systems in balance with your home ecosystem.

See all courses >